14 thoughts on The Secret Lives of Peeps (NSFWish)

  1. OMG! ROFLMAO!!!!!

    All they’re missing are the big “O” mouths.

    Now you need to combine the Peeps and the chickens that walk and drop eggs out their nether regions. There’s so much possibility there.

  2. Yes!! Yes!! Oh I’ve been waiting and hoping. I saw some Peeps in the store today and started wondering what deviant schemes they were concocting inside their boxes. Yay! Thank you. I hope there are more coming.

  3. I shared this with TB and he is not as thrilled. That is because he doesn’t know the joys of Suprizebuttsecks. That’s okay. I’ll school him later. Then he’ll know. Or walk funny. Whatever.

  4. I had my husband try this with my Peeps, but apparently they were in the other half.

    Also, as a note, the other 50% just get sticky and lose their ears.

  5. Anne-

    Over the course of the last month I have read your blog from start to finish while in between patients at work (I’m a nurse). I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed it all and I think you are an excellent author and you should definitely move forward with your book.

    Thanks for entertaining me!

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