So the other thing that happened in Hawaii was that I realized I was hiding stuff from you. Again. Yes, I know. I am a slow learner. I am also like one of those people with hoarding disorders, but with all these little secrets crammed under my bed instead of
May you end up in the arms of those who adore you today. May they be the ones you adore in return. And that you find peace and happiness in the moment. Merry Christmas! With special thanks to Julie Pippert.
J: Oooh, is it cold! Ha! Just kidding. I have no idea what temperature that water is. Since I am walking On. Top. Of. It. Boo-ya! Who’s your baby now, huh? If I could only go back to 1985 and get Michael Jackson to teach me that moonwalking thing… J:
Took Baby J to see No Country for Old Men this weekend. He hid in my coat pocket even though I told him kids under 4 were free. I think he likes it in there. The movie was ten shades of ultra-violent awesome, btw. Can’t wait to see it again
I don’t care if Justin Timberlake won an Emmy. Baby J is in sooo much time-out for this one.