I mean, when the penguins get here, you know the party’s about to crack off. Look at those pupils! PS: The kids have decided that sock snow-person in the back needs to be in the vase. I never got a complete explanation, but wondered if that one is the Hannibal
Despite being sure about the therapy thing, the comments suggesting it have stayed with me. It’s empowering to defy popular opinion and flounce, to define myself by what I’m not going to do. The main problem, is that if I’m not going to therapy, I have to take responsibility for
As a side project to distract myself from all my current dramalamadingdong, I decided to freshen up my blog space this weekend. Doing so caused me to study more carefully a wide range of other blogs. … So apparently, (and feel free to get in your time machine, go
1. My husband half-quit his job a few days ago. He goes 60% in a couple of weeks. Everyone says the American Dream is to work for yourself. Oddly enough, they also say, “don’t quit your day job.” Which bit of wisdom will win the ultimate thumb wrestling saga of
Dear Diary, I could tell the moment I woke up: Today was going to be a day like no other. The sun was shining and birds were chirping. I knew because guess what? My wrapping was open! I don’t think that’s ever happened before. Free of my plastic restraints, I