Baby J, The Crazy

Krist Krispie Treat

Baby J as a delicious Krist Krispie Treat

Baby J says: Easy on the upskirt, there, Anne. If the sun doesn’t shine on it, it doesn’t need to be on the internet.

Good advice, that.

Q: Anne, is that a real Krist Krispie Treat?

A: Yeah. Freshly made with coconut. And moments later it was packaged up to be sent as a gift to some unsuspecting relative. Imprint of baby J’s butt intact on the surface of said krispie. Because we care, is why.

And right now, you are pretty glad you are not related to us, huh? But who knows. Maybe you are.

After watching too many Steve Irwin re-runs:

Baby J in the mouth of a tewible reptile

Watch as I put my head into the mouth of this magnificent creature! And possibly tug on her tongue!

A well trained alligator:

the Baby J needs a litte butter and salt

ho-ho-ho! It tickles!

Later, she tried to take him to the nearest mud puddle and teach him to swim. Baby J just brings out the maternal I guess.

13 thoughts on Krist Krispie Treat

  1. Those relatives will have no clue why this is going to be the best year ever.

    The holy treats- It’s like a blessing from above.

  2. I want that krispie treat! I could get stinking rich. I know it’s no bleeding eye Mary or holes in the hands but Baby J’s ass print? It’s gotta be worth something.

  3. Holy Sacreligious batman! No wonder I’m laughing so hard (waiting for lightening to strike). So I need to know more about these rice crispies with coconut… You just add coconut to the regular recipe or what? I’m intrigued…

  4. Yummy delicious. I wonder what Snap, Crackle and Pop are thinking. Maybe he should join them, and wear a chef hat.
    Do you take requests? You need to do Christ on a crutch.

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