1. The ticking time bomb of vacationing with my mother has entered the T-Minus-8 Days And Counting, and all lo, the past nine months of buoying thoughts (This is the best therapeutic intervention holiday ever conceived! We will have a GREAT TIME! This will be such a massive success, we
Over the years, I’ve watched a few other bloggers go through the death of a parent. Inevitably, there was silence for a while, and I always wondered, What is going on over there? Does the experience cross some unspeakable line, too personal or painful to reveal? I must also confess
LIKE ONE OF THOSE VICTORIAN BITCHES WITH A CONVERSION DISORDER Hi! Since we last talked, my body has been freaking out a little. My fingers have erupted into an itchy lizard skin of tiny blisters. Husband thinks the cats have been prowling through the nettles, and when I pet the
Here comes that itchy feeling when I haven’t updated in so long I fear when I DO eventually get around to saying something important, all the threads of my life will have unraveled in such small but profound ways that I will think FUCK IT, I cannot write this tome
Two nights ago, in the dark and wee hours of sleep, my husband (who gets extremely uncomfortable when I mention him in any way on the internet. Sorry, hon!) rolled onto his side, threw an arm over me, and pulled me close. Trademark move of the big spoon. In that