Sisterly Morbids Galore

LESS FUNNY SHIT FROM MIDDLE Middle called to tell me that Dad is having trouble swallowing his pills.  This did not seem like a big deal to me.  However, Middle knows a shit-ton about dementia, and so when her little-kid-again voice ghosted through the phone line, “It’s like now I
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Wine for breakfast

So here’s an embarrassing confession:  In the midst of baby death and dementia and my own middle age, I’m actually kind of happy. My children are all in school full time this year.  I worried about empty nest angst, or that I’d develop a laziness so severe I’d watch TV
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So that happened

OK, so first, this happened at my local park for Easter: In a way, it’s this perfect metaphor for life with my parents these days.  A good 80% of my brain occupied with logistics.  How is this even happening?  Am I somehow misconstruing the weirdness of this situation?  How did
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