Saturday, I dressed in makeup, hair, Spanx (not planned, but necessary unfortunately. Thanks, sourdough!) and funeral wear, then zoomed my dad’s memorial. It turned out more or less as expected, drama not entirely absent, but at low, simmering levels that were easy to ignore. The hardest part (for me) was
1. The cat delivered two disembodied (disembirdied?) bird feet on our mat yesterday around dinnertime. The kids were SUPER squicked out. My husband, in a moment of True Lawful Evil, gave them detailed instructions on how they were to clean up, delighting in their squeals and groans of dismay and
Tuesday before our Friday departure, my mother left a message to call her, she had some information that would change the holiday plans. Turns out, she had a blood clot in her leg, that she’d known about when I’d seen her in person at a child’s athletic event some weeks
1. The ticking time bomb of vacationing with my mother has entered the T-Minus-8 Days And Counting, and all lo, the past nine months of buoying thoughts (This is the best therapeutic intervention holiday ever conceived! We will have a GREAT TIME! This will be such a massive success, we
MOTHERS DEAREST I mentioned on FB, a week or so ago, my mother-in-law got very sick and had to go to the ER. From there, she was transferred to the hospital, where she stayed five days. While there, PG&E cut the power to her house for fire safety concerns. My