This week, I came out to Little, Anne-wise. (Sorry — ‘crossing the streams’ used to be the code phrase, but it started to sound like some golden shower/outdoor peeing kind of thing.) I sent her my first year of posts, since taken down. Like boiling a frog, I figured if
My parents moved to Oklahoma Tuesday. We’d planned to meet for lunch – they would be finished packing, and we (me, husband, and kids) would pass through their town on our way to a vacation. My mother was completely dithered when we arrived, way behind schedule after running into multiple
So remember in Ghostbusters, for most of the movie, the big rule is to not cross the streams? But in the face of the indestructible Stay Puft Marshmallow monster, the Ghostbusters realize the only way to save the citizens of New York City is to (dun.. dun… dun…!) cross the