. Baby J says: Easy on the upskirt, there, Anne. If the sun doesn’t shine on it, it doesn’t need to be on the internet. Good advice, that. Q: Anne, is that a real Krist Krispie Treat? A: Yeah. Freshly made with coconut. And moments later it was packaged up
Took Baby J to see No Country for Old Men this weekend. He hid in my coat pocket even though I told him kids under 4 were free. I think he likes it in there. The movie was ten shades of ultra-violent awesome, btw. Can’t wait to see it again
Because every day should count. Or I dunno. Maybe he just got lost on his way to Macy’s. Only 12 shopping days left.
Technically, he’s not supposed to acknowledge that creatures like her even exist. But… You know… Fairy’s got gams. And anyway, it plays both ways. She pretends not to notice how small he is. ETA: When I asked him how his date went, he just started rocking around in this contraption,
I don’t care if Justin Timberlake won an Emmy. Baby J is in sooo much time-out for this one.