I could neither eat nor toss these tweaked-as-eff-peeps, so I put them on my work desk windowsill because I am GREAT at putting off chores that will never resolve themselves, and I like souvenirs. I love that Mary vibes eternally underwhelmed, and how, with the wind up hopping bunnies, you
In telling you this first part, it is hard to imagine I’m telling you anything you don’t already know, or perhaps I am telling you the story of yourself even. These days anyway. Then capitol mob insurgency* really got to me. Watching graphic footage of violence after so recently having
There has been a sign war going on in a neighborhood on my jogging path. It started with someone/someones posting a bunch of these three days ago* FWIW, here are some photos of the population density of the area, the yellow sign circled here in yellow in both photos: The
Tuesday before our Friday departure, my mother left a message to call her, she had some information that would change the holiday plans. Turns out, she had a blood clot in her leg, that she’d known about when I’d seen her in person at a child’s athletic event some weeks
Mom called around 4 this morning. He went peacefully. Thanks for all your good thoughts. They helped a lot. Here’s the post from September 2011, when he sat me down to tell me there was something wrong. What a long, strange trip. xo, Anne