Well yes, hello again.

It was a bit hard to get out of bed this morning. That strange, no-man’s-land of nothing being personally wrong, and everything being wrong in general. Am Goldilocks at the Reasonable Levels of Fear bowl, in which the implications of Whatever The Hell This Is are too enormous to ingest,
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Sequester Fest

Right at this moment, I’m feeling a bit better. If you perhaps would like to see something encouraging, here’s a link to China’s Corona virus stats. 143 new cases March 6th, down from 14,108 February 12th. Active cases sloping downward! Beatable, EmEffers. Yesterday I ran mandatory errands. My anxiety was
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Here is something to read

Looking for homeschooling activities on the internet, I came across the suggestion children should start a journal of current events. As we’ve all felt, things are changing day to day, sometimes hour by hour. For example, Friday at noon, our county supervisor declared on live TV that schools would remain
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